
Are you ready to expand the level of choices and possibilities that are available to you?

Subconscious beliefs DO MAKE your life look like it is always a repetition of draining emotions and imprisonments. During her sessions, she will understand how you are experiencing life and how you can expand your consciousness to change the way you create your reality. She will also be doing an energetic body process either Access Bars, ThetaHealing or EFT. Feel free to reach out to her to understand what her work is really about!

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Gisele Nakamura had studied different practices – Access Consciousness, ThetaHealing, EFT, Rebirthing, Science of the Beginning of Life, Inner Child work, Ho’oponopono, Sadhguru’s seminar etc – to contribute to people to unlock and destroy the subconscious beliefs that have been stopping them to experience life the way they want and deserve! Her sessions involve getting to know deeply about yourself to discover what is the real emotional root or subconscious belief that has been limiting your life, causing anxiety, lack of energy / motivation / creativity, feeling that you are “wrong” or “not good enough”.

For Booking please call

+1 (949) 877-2932


Subconscious beliefs CAN make your life look like it is always a repetition of draining emotions and imprisonments.

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