Supporting the Gut Microflora

Supporting the Gut Microflora

Much like a thriving rainforest, the human gut is a rich ecosystem mirroring the ecological balance found in common environments such as the Amazon. These ecosystems within the gut microflora are referred to as intestinal microbiomes, play a critical role in the body. While there are numerous microorganisms linked to diseases, there are a lot of non-harmful microbes that are harmless and even beneficial. Read on to learn how you can support the gut microflora.

Consider a common bacterium such as Escherichia coli, or E. coli for short. Certain strains within the species have a commensal association with human beings, meaning they derive nutrients and shelter from the gut without causing harm. Having the right balance of friendly E. coli could protect the gut from pathogenic strains of the same species.

Development of Microbial Communities

Babies acquire around 100 microbe species as they pass through the birth canal. They are then exposed to more microbes from the mother’s skin after birth. Add microbes from contact with doctors, nurses, a proud father, excited relatives, and perhaps even the family pet at home. By the sixth month of a baby’s life, about 700 species of microbes are present in the baby. By age 3, the child has a microbial community that’s as unique as his or her fingerprint.

However, infants delivered through a C-section enter the world with a clean microbiome slate. The niches within the gut need to be taken up as quickly as possible since this makes it difficult for pathogens to cause infections. These babies are often put on antibiotics right away to avert the risk of disease.

Increased Use of Antibiotics

Antibiotics are commonly the first option in combating harmful microbes, but researchers are now becoming increasingly troubled by the heavy reliance on these antibiotics. The antibiotics have the effect of upsetting the balance of microbial life within the infant, preventing beneficial bacterial communities from forming. The use of antibiotics is equivalent to dropping a bomb on a microbial community in the hope that only the harmful bacteria will be annihilated, leaving the healthy bacteria alive. All you end up with is a lot of collateral damage and a lack of supporting the gut microflora.

Solving the Antibiotics Dilemma

Humanity is facing a global crisis with pesticides, antibiotics, disease outbreaks, and environmental pollutants working against our mental and physical health. ION*Biome’s gut-strengthening, soil-derived supplement goes beyond probiotics to help your microbiome flourish on its own, the natural way. ION*Gut Health supports your body via redox signaling to rebuild the gut lining and maintain tight junction integrity for proper barrier support. This function creates a domino effect of good health, promoting immune function, mental clarity, and respiratory and digestive wellness. Put simply, ION*Gut Health helps you thrive!

What to Know: 

  • ION*Gut Health strengthens tight junctions (the gut’s unsung heroes).
  • 70% of the immune system resides in the gut lining; thus, when the gut lining is compromised, the immune system is compromised. Gut health is immune health.
  • Take approximately one tsp before each meal; ION*Gut Health supports the gut best when acting as a shield against gluten, glyphosate, and other environmental invaders.
  • ION*Sinus is an important part of the ION*Biome product line and helps to support the microbiome at the start of the gut, which is actually in the sinuses (fun fact!).
  • ION*Biome goes beyond other supplements to support your wellbeing at a foundational level. By laying those building blocks with ION*Gut Health, you aren’t just supplementing, you’re supporting.

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There’s currently an over-reliance on antibiotics which could prove costly to gut health in the long run. The gut microbiome plays a critical role in your body’s overall health thus creating the need for supporting the gut microflora, more than ever before. Taking care of your gut microflora goes a long way in ensuring a healthier you.

How We Can Help